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Button Kin Blog

Drama Llamas is Live!

Feb 14, 2023

It’s a short newsletter with a very straightforward message this month, friends! After months and months (and MONTHS) of writing, playing, re-writing, editing, and endless chatter Drama Llamas is finally open to pledges on Kickstarter. Like a fool I activated the campaign before my bed time and now I am a giddy, proud, sleep-deprived zombie. Sooo, giz a pledge so I can sleep? JK, pledge because you love llamas ❤️

Three reality TV shows featuring llamas. Satirical takes on the great british bake off, drag race, and ninja warrior

I’m pleased to say that the campaign is already over 40% funded, thanks in part to the ZineQuest 5 initiative, and Kickstarter’s kind decision to add Drama Llamas to their “Project We Love” tag. Check out the other creators doing amazing things under both of those umbrellas!

The zinequest 5 logo featuring a dragon and some mushrooms the kickstarter 'Project We Love' animated banner with a flashing red heart

In other news, if you’re looking for a good read my friend Rick, aka MostlyLions, has a new blog series of tabletop design and the value of embracing and learning from failures. You can read the first in the series here. I’m already hooked, myself!

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