Merry pumpkintide, and welcome to the new look Button Kin Times! Shorter, sleeker, easier to fit in your pocket. Welcome especially to all my lovely new subscribers from Tabletop Gaming Live - hope you’re enjoying your free (totally not a bribe) dinosaur!
In my new found spirit of brevity I’m just going to give you some headlines. A taste of the activity that’s going on behind the scenes here.
Bigcartel! Button Kin Games finally has a bigcartel store! Physical copies of (nearly) all my games and adventures are there to peruse and purchase. They’re so shiny.
Instagram! I’ve finally forayed into producing physical things and manifesting corporeally at cons. Photographic evidence of these and other strange phenomena will be posted here. Gis a follow?
Drama Llamas update! I might be biased (I am very biased), but I think Drama Llamas is really growing into something special. Every session I’ve run has been an absolute riot, and this week the first pieces came through from a wonderful artist I’ve been working with - Álvaro Torres. Reader, I nearly cried. They’re bloody gorgeous.
For my newer subscribers: Drama Llamas is a fun, fast paced, chaos filled TTRPG about being a reality TV star who is also a llama. It’s trope-y, surreal, incredibly silly and very easy to run, being mechanically similar to PbtA games like Monster of the Week, and their sort-of cousins like Brindlewood Bay. I’ll be crowdfunding the hard copy book early next year, and in the meantime I’m always looking for playtesters. If you’re interested in that get in touch! You can also follow the campaign through the prelaunch page if that all sounds intriguing.
Brindlewood Bay stream! My Brindlewood Bay stream with Girls Run These Worlds is now available to watch on YouTube. I had a great time with a wonderfully charismatic cast. I highly recommend you check out their stellar performances.
Shameless spooky season plugging! If you’re looking for a spooky adventure to run for October, my silver best selling haunted house adventure, A Fey Mystery of Glen Dourn, is available on the DMsGuild and perfect for that. FFO: hags, body horror, tricksy fey and forbidden love stories.
Psychic Night School misprint! In less fun news I sold several copies of Psychic Night School at Tabletop Gaming Live before realising that a misprint had cut off the last 4 pages of the game. If you have a faulty copy I ask that you burn it, take a photo of it burning, and then email me said photo for a free PDF and a heartfelt apology. Or just skip the first few steps and do the email bit. So sorry! Something had to go wrong at my first con as a vendor, I suppose!
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Oct 21, 2022